5 Free SEO Tools You Should Use Right Now!

Are you worried that your SEO strategy is not going right? That may well be the case. But unless you get an SEO pro to consult on your website, it’s pretty hard to tell. But there is no need to worry. We have the perfect solution to your problem right now. Here are 5 essential SEO tools you should use to get a good read on your website’s SEO efficiency: 1.Ensure Unique Content with Plagiarism Checker There are a few things that will downgrade your website’s ranking on Google quicker than copied content. As such, Google follows a fairly strict policy for its content uniqueness. You should know what that is and have your content written accordingly. On the other hand, just use our Plagiarism Checker to find out how much of your content is copied and then fix it. To be honest, though, you should have your content rewritten in case it fails our plagiarism test. If you don’t want that expense, then th...